
Skating System

SKATING SYSTEM: In all TangotoCUP Competitions Skating System will be used for scoring.
The skating system is a method of compiling scores in Dance competitions. It is used for the
final placings of competitors and is based upon a method that prioritizes 'majority' and
'overall performance' as given by judges scores to solve problems that arise in what can be a
subjective determination of quality of art as sport. In preliminary rounds (semifinals, quarter-
finals, eliminations etc.). It says that for each dance of the round, the judges must mark the
number of dance couples specified by the chairman of adjudicators whom they decide to
advance to the next round. The score of one couple is the number of all "PASS" marks over
all judges and dances. The couples with the highest score advance to the next round. If there
are 6 couples in the Final, the marks from each judge for each dance are the places for the
dancers, with the 1st place being the highest and 6 th place the last. After that the Final result
will be calculated with the formula explained in the link;