

Competitor Profile

  1. Competitor profile is individual and personal. It holds all your ratings and past competition history and results.
  2. To create competitor profile
  • First fill out the form on the home page with your basic information.
  • You will then receive an email for membership activation to activate your account.
  • Click the link to activate, and you will be redirected to the email verification successful page.
  • From there, click the "Go to my user panel" button and then the "Edit Profile" button to upload your profile photo and enter other details.

Partnership and Couple Profile

  1. To participate any competition you need to have a partner.
  2. In any categories, you need to select your partner in your registered partners.
  3. You can add a partner by clicking "Invite Partner" and inviting a partner from the registered users.. If your partner is not registered yet, you can simply enter their email address to invite them to create a competitor profile.
  4. After successfully inviting your partner, they will receive an email from the system. After they accept, you will be registered partners and have created a partner profile.
  5. In each category of each competition, each time your partner has to accept to enter the competition together.